Monday, August 6, 2012

The Much Anticipated Super Birth

There was so much anticipation surrounding the birth of our little guy. My mother flew out July 4th on a one-way ticket, thinking he'd be here sooner rather than later. Everyone thought he'd be here early after the pre-term labor scare at 32 weeks. No one thought I'd still be pregnant at 39 weeks. But that's what happened, and in the great scheme of things, we're very fortunate. We welcomed a very healthy baby boy a day before his due date.

 My midwife stripped my membranes (ewww, I know) at 39 weeks, 5 days. It hurt like hell and ended my impatient pity party that very second. Labor pains are no joke. I felt crampy and miserable the minute I left the office. A few hours later, I lost the mucus plug (I know, I know). I told everyone to sleep in their clothes because I was pretty sure I would be headed to the hospital soon.

I managed to sleep, but woke up at 5AM during a strong contraction. I fell back asleep and woke up during another one. I grabbed my phone and turned on my contraction counter app. 14 minutes apart. The next one 10 minutes, the following 8 minutes. I knew it was time to get up. I woke Batman up at 6 and he hopped in the shower. I woke my mom up, who wondered if it was the real thing this time. On the 16th, I went in at midnight only to be sent home with no progress. But the contractions were getting closer together with each one.

 We arrived at the hospital at 7AM. They always take forever to get you situated, put you on the monitors, and finally admit you. By the time they checked me, I was dilated at 5cm. I went from 2-5 in two hours, so they knew to get the tub ready.

It took ages for them to set up the tub, though. Meanwhile, I sat in the hospital bed, hooked up to monitors, completely annoyed. When the tub was finally ready, I felt immediate relief. No pressure, less cramping. I was totally in my element. The nurse who delivered She-Hulk was there to deliver this time. There were also a few student nurses present who had never seen a waterbirth. One had never seen a birth period.

It didn't take long for me to progress in the tub. I told them all I felt alot of pressure and would be pushing soon. I reminded everyone that my water hadn't broken and I was about to give birth to a baby in a sack. The midwife finally came in and checked me. She said I wasn't totally effaced and I was still at an 8, so I still had some time. Ha. I started pushing 2 minutes later. It was time. I had a panic attack, which was interesting to me because it was the first time I have ever felt completely overwhelmed during childbirth. I felt so much more pressure with this one than the other two. I wanted to crawl out of my own body. My water bag still hadn't broken, but was bulging so the midwife popped it. After the second contraction, I told everyone I wanted him out the next contraction. I was over it. 5 minutes later, our little guy was born sunny side up ("You even gave birth the hard way!" says my nurse) at 11AM.

He was so calm that they had to make him cry. He weighed 8lbs. 2 oz. and was 21.75 inches. I came out of the water to deliver the placenta and it was the first time I actually gave birth to it. I am used to them just pushing on my uterus and it coming out. I think because the sack was still attached to it and everything that it just wasn't happening. It sucked. Bad. I refused the standard pitocin because I'm not a fan of the after pains, but I ended up bleeding too much too quickly and was given some other medication. That intervention almost hurt worse than labor.

The baby had some minor issues since he came out too fast, like fluid in his lungs. Then he ended up getting dehydrated and was breathing way too fast, so they made us stay an extra day. All of that checked out ok, though, and we went home after 3 long days.

Since we've been home, things have been alot calmer. The kids are adjusting great and life is finally starting to head in a normal direction. Today is my first day alone with the kids. My mom went home over the weekend and Batman headed to work this morning. Amazingly, I cleaned the kitchen, organized the pantry, started laundry, and even had time to write this blog. Did I mention all the kids have a fever and sore throat? Yeah, I'd say I have this down. Here's to an easy adjustment and a wonderful family. And tylenol. Lots of tylenol.
