Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The kiddos had a great Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we had an elaborate steak dinner and then made ornaments and cards. The kids got new PJs for their Polar Express night. We read books and watched movies while drinking hot cocoa and eating homemade nougat candies. It was a great night.

Spiderman woke us up in the morning and we opened presents until my overnight praline french toast and bacon were done. We played and I cooked tex-mex rice and toasted raviolis for the potluck dinner/lunch at the inlaws. There we opened more presents and sat around enjoying the rest of the night. Well, I enjoyed everything but the nausea and reflux, but that's pretty normal on any day.

We are nearing the final holiday of the holiday season: Spiderman's 6th birthday. It's always bitter sweet watching our kids grow. It's also a huge relief when the season is over and we can get back to real life (and out of debt!)

This morning, Spiderman lost his first tooth! This is the bittersweetness I'm talking about. I wish the time went a bit slower. Just a bit, especially around the holidays. I want to cherish every second!

Spiderman was feeling a bit sad about  giving his tooth to the toothfairy, so I told him she would let me keep it. Then he got sadder and said "Will I still get money, though?!" Ah, the power of pennies! Needless to say, Spiderman will get his teeth and his money, too. Speaking of...where did we put that thing?

This week is the last week of slacking off. We haven't done schoolwork or anything in over 2 weeks. The New Year will bring a refreshing list of new goals. And once all the Christmas stuff is put away, our home is going to feel especially clean and uncluttered. It's going to be good for us.

It's just a matter of finding the energy to get busy...


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 7 (or 9)

Yesterday was my first prenatal appointment. I got to visit with the woman who deliveredShe-Hulk. She and I both agreed that it felt as if we saw each other just last week. When it came down to figuring out a due date, we couldn't. My cycles vary and can be as long as 38 days long. According to my math, I was 7 weeks and two days. According to my uterus, I am more like 9 weeks.  She assured me this did not indicate multiples if the dates are wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did. It would explain the 13 pounds I've gained already. 13! ::cries::

She thought we might be able to hear a heartbeat, but we couldn't (because I'm only 7 weeks?). So I'll go in again in two weeks to have a listen again and see how my uterus is growing. It would be so much easier just to have an ultrasound, but that's ok. I don't have a need to jump ahead in this pregnancy, not even by a week and some days. I need all the time I can get.

The kids are sick. It's pitiful. At first, we thought it was strep throat. I took Spiderman to the dr. on Friday and the culture came back positive for strep. After 3 days of antibiotics, Spiderman still wasn't feeling well and She-Hulk had been running a fever. I took them back in yesterday, thinking she somehow caught his strep. Nope. Turns out, Spiderman has a virus and is just a carrier for strep. She-Hulk has the same virus and Batman and I are probably next.

Spiderman is feeling a bit better. She-Hulk, on the other hand, is just starting to get symptoms. She's complaining about her ears and she's not sleeping at night (not like that's new). I wish I could take away their pain, but I also wish I could leave and not come back until they are no longer contagious.

I'm glad yesterday is over. It was a rough day. I'm looking forward to monotonous laundry today. Loads and loads of it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A lil about She-Hulk

I remember holding She-Hulk for the first time, wondering whose child she was. She had these big cheeks and a constant frown on her face. She was not impressed with the world. It's been two years and it all sort of clicks together. Here are the facts:

1. She-Hulk is someone who approaches everything with caution. She usually hates something the first time she sees it, and the more she hates it, the more she'll love it later on. A perfect example: shoes. I remember the first pair I tried on her. She screamed in the aisle, she shook with fear, and I quickly pulled them off. Every time she saw a pair of shoes she cried. Today? I can never find matches because she loves them and loses them. Sometimes when she's throwing a fit and won't get in her car seat, I'll bribe her with a new pair of shoes. And you know what? It works- every time.

2.  She-Hulk is in love with Kipper the Dog, which is inconvenient for us because it's scarce from the UK and no longer in production. We tried to buy Kipper's Opposites from the library because we had to renew it the max amount of times and she still read it several times a day. She doesn't know it, but there in Mickey Mouse wrapping paper is Kipper Opposites waiting under the tree.

3. She-Hulk loves to sing and loves to hear music. She is currently playing out "Mickey song" in the car, which is an $8 Mickey Mouse Christmas CD from Target. It only has 10 songs on it, and we end up going through the CD at least twice every time we go out. When she was a baby and would cry, there were only two songs that would comfort her. The first one is jingle bells, but you could only sing the first verse, and you had to sing it over and over again. The second song is Jewel's I'm Sensitive. She-Hulk is a huge Jewel fan.

4. She-Hulk's most favorite food is cheese. She'll eat it in any form, she can't get enough.

5. She-Hulk loves the Wiggles. The best thing I found on Amazon was the Wiggles Christmas- a mixture of her two favorite things. I gave it to her early because I knew we'd be watching it on repeat and it's better to watch it in December rather than January. I suspect we'll still be watching it in January, though.

6. She-Hulk's favorite character is Ernie. Thanks to Ernie, She-Hulk can count to 10. Good luck trying to get her to show you, though.

7. She-Hulk is a drama queen. When you dare deny her something, she will put her hand up to her mouth to cry, as if to say "Oh my God, how could you?!" She once did it in public where someone saw and the woman asked me if she had hurt her mouth. No, worse- she's in shock that the world doesn't revolve around her. No, She-Hulk, it's ok- it does, it does. I didn't mean it. Put your hand down, I'm sorry!

8. She-Hulk likes soda (caffeine free, of course). She calls it "tea" and insists we give her a sip any time we are at a restaurant.

9. She-Hulk has alot of attitude. She often tells me to "shh" or "hush" when I am correcting her misbehavior. Her newest form of protest is to say "NOT FAIR!" I wonder where she gets that from, Spiderman?

10. She-Hulk loves to accessorize. She wears sunglasses, purses, hats, and bracelets.

11. She-Hulk loves babies. She has a toy box designated for just babies and it's still not enough. She falls in love with them in the toy aisle and takes such good care of them that it's hard to say no. She's got at least 3 babies waiting for Christmas.

12. She-Hulk potty trains herself. She doesn't like diapers and will let me know when she has to go potty. Easiest potty training ever!

13. She-Hulk has a serious disgust for fuzz. Certain teddy bears and blankets often creep her out. Cotton balls, hairballs, clothes fuzz, and even the cotton on bandaids gross her out. She gets the chills and says "EWW" Moss is another one. When we are playing at the park and it gets on her shoe, she'll run and shake her foot, crying "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" It's pitiful, but it's hilarious.

14. She-Hulk's "twinkle stars" ("tinkle aarsh") sounds alot like "kick your a**" If you think that's bad, you should hear what "frog" sounds like.

15. She-Hulk calls her brother "brobot" I don't know why, but it's cute and we like it.

16. She-Hulk loves dogs ("doddies"). She talks about them all the time.

17.She-Hulk gets into my makeup every second she can. She really loves lip gloss and calls it "mess" after the fit I throw when I find her, "look at the MESS you've made!"

18. The only way her daddy can get her to sleep is to tickle her legs and rub her head.

19. She-Hulk loves playing hide and seek with her brobot. Her favorite part is when she finds him and she yells "I find you!"

20. When She-Hulk woke up this morning, I said happy birthday and I asked her what we were going to do today. She started to sing "Ha-ee day to youuuu" A song, it is, kiddo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 6

Last week, I went into the Health Department for a free pregnancy test for insurance purposes. It was scary. They take you into a room and ask questions that make you feel sad only because you know many girls answer yes to them. Drug addictions, abusive relationships, and above all- whether your pregnancy is unwanted. They assume it is. I laughed nervously through all of the questions. My pregnancy was unplanned and at times, I've been frustrated with it, but the idea of giving a baby up for adoption makes me feel so sad. I feel for the women who sit in the same chair I sat and answer yes to the questions. It's never a choice and not many people understand that. 

I feel thankful for my little family. My biggest problem is just how I'm going to get She-Hulk off the boob and into her own room. And that's not really a small problem, but it's better than some others I've heard.

I'm on a school break until January 9th. The thought of going back exhausts me, but I'm going to keep on keeping on. I'm almost done. Give me a year with an easy pregnancy and low key newborn. It could happen.

Aside from yesterday's 12 hour migraine, I feel ok. The nausea is on and off between days, so it's doable. The exhaustion is still there, but I'm getting used to its presence. I'm more sensitive and more aggressive and that's really annoying. I was like this with She-Hulk, too. Honestly, I think we're having another girl. I know it's way too early, but Spiderman and She-Hulk had polar opposite symptoms in pregnancy and this one is following the same pattern as She-Hulk. If so, we perhaps have our Lorelei.

We're not totally in agreeance with a single name yet. I'm pushing hard for Liam, but I don't think it will happen. All of my biblical "ah" names got shut down, too: Jonah, Josiah, Ezra...

If I leave it up to Batman, we'll have Poe's Annabel Lee or something from the Lord of the Rings. Aragorn Aaron Hoffman- yes, I can see it now. He'd name our daughter Brooklyn and our son Tristan.

Not that mine are any better. Riley Aaron or Olive Elizabeth. Tell me that's not the cutest! :D

You can vote on our list, just click below. No promises we'll listen.
VOTE on my Name List

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

little things

When I first set out to homeschool, I was so excited. We loaded up on school supplies, workbooks, and gathered all sorts of ideas. In just the last 6 months, Spiderman has done basketball camp, soccer, gymnastics, a trial run of karate (it was too much like the military for us), and homeschool P.E. at the community center. We make it to the library for the story time they offer twice a week, as well as their monthly lego club.

Now that I'm pregnant again, everything is a chore. For one, She-Hulk doesn't sit still through Spiderman's classes. She runs all over the place, often trying to join in. With the constant state of nausea, it can be a challenge. I run off fumes lately, so finding the energy to get them in the car is a challenge all on its own. By the time we come home, I'm worn out and have used up all of the energy I had stored. No more super mom. Hello couch potato.

To make up for this, I've compensated with new tricks. We're doing alot more reading and crafts. Last week, we made our own snowglobes using baby food jars.

She-Hulk, who is the most high-maintenence little girl I've ever met seriously got a kick out of my little bucket I made her. Just cut some holes in it and gave her some manipulatives to pop in it and was able to lay back down on the couch.

Oh, then I saw this really neat blog ( where I downloaded her Ready2Read worksheets and found this neat little project for felt ABC letters. Using little wooden apples and felt stickers, I made these:

Spiderman is hands on, so I hope this is something that will help him with his writing. He hates writing and throws a big perfectionist fit when I try to get him to do more. So we're taking a break and focusing on coordination, which I believe is his challenge.

So, maybe I'm not the most active homeschooling mom right now, but I think we're going to get through this. As long as I don't collapse or run out of ideas :D 

Friday, December 2, 2011

No Electronics Week: day 2

Yesterday morning came and I was woken up by Spiderman trying to turn the television on. I reminded him to turn it off. He whined and complained of boredom and a desperate need for breakfast and that's when I knew what I was in for.

I have to admit it: I'm horrible when it comes to TV and video games. It seems like they are on all the time. Even when it's not on, he's talking about his favorite shows and what games he wants for Christmas, his birthday, some random Thursday...

He likes to psychologically analyze his favorite cartoon characters "Mom, why is Angelica so mean? Do you really think it's because her mother works too much?"

It's not as if I don't realize we both have a problem here. He is addicted and it's because I've encouraged it. I've been trying to limit it for a year or so now, but limits always get stretched- one show usually always becomes two. I notice his behavior is so much better when he's unplugged and it's time to make a radical change in order to really stick to it.

Hence no electronics week. He doesn't know it, but it will probably become no electronics month and so on.

Yesterday, I was lucky to have alot of errands to run. We got home around lunch time, rested, hung out, and then before dinner, we went out to the playground. The day seemed short and he only complained about wanting to play his game 34432479182734 times, which was less than normal.

Today, we're making a bit of progress in one area: it's barely noon, and he's only asked about his video games 3 times. The problem is with me. I woke up craving a good cuddle and a Christmas movie, so we watched one together. Bad, I know. That's why I'm here blogging- to hold myself accountable and make this week official.

Without TV, the kids are playing together, toys are actually coming out of their boxes, and good times are happening. It's the start of something wonderful! Cross your fingers I'm not the one that messes this up, pregnancy fatigue exhaustion or not!