Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 7 (or 9)

Yesterday was my first prenatal appointment. I got to visit with the woman who deliveredShe-Hulk. She and I both agreed that it felt as if we saw each other just last week. When it came down to figuring out a due date, we couldn't. My cycles vary and can be as long as 38 days long. According to my math, I was 7 weeks and two days. According to my uterus, I am more like 9 weeks.  She assured me this did not indicate multiples if the dates are wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did. It would explain the 13 pounds I've gained already. 13! ::cries::

She thought we might be able to hear a heartbeat, but we couldn't (because I'm only 7 weeks?). So I'll go in again in two weeks to have a listen again and see how my uterus is growing. It would be so much easier just to have an ultrasound, but that's ok. I don't have a need to jump ahead in this pregnancy, not even by a week and some days. I need all the time I can get.

The kids are sick. It's pitiful. At first, we thought it was strep throat. I took Spiderman to the dr. on Friday and the culture came back positive for strep. After 3 days of antibiotics, Spiderman still wasn't feeling well and She-Hulk had been running a fever. I took them back in yesterday, thinking she somehow caught his strep. Nope. Turns out, Spiderman has a virus and is just a carrier for strep. She-Hulk has the same virus and Batman and I are probably next.

Spiderman is feeling a bit better. She-Hulk, on the other hand, is just starting to get symptoms. She's complaining about her ears and she's not sleeping at night (not like that's new). I wish I could take away their pain, but I also wish I could leave and not come back until they are no longer contagious.

I'm glad yesterday is over. It was a rough day. I'm looking forward to monotonous laundry today. Loads and loads of it.

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