Summer 2012 Bucket List
Today marks our last day of boring routine! The kids are getting in their last bit of TV and video games, I'm working on the last part of the homeschool portfolio before evaluations, and tomorrow, we begin to check things off of our bucket list. We have something planned everyday from tomorrow, May 12th-July 4th. After that, we need to prepare for our new baby due any second after that (due date is technically July 26th, but mine come a bit earlier). We'll take it easy and begin 1st grade homeschool August 27th. Cross your fingers we're up to it!
First thing we did was create a list of things we wanted to do. Then I transferred them to index cards. Every day, I'm going to hang a card on the calendar for Spiderman to see every morning. He's going to be so excited.
I've got the photo memory card wiped clean, camera battery is charging...things are about to get fun. We do have one ground rule: NO TV, video games, or computer use (this includes me unless it's to study. I, unfortunately, do not get a summer break!) the entire summer.
The only thing we are going to do daily is a page from a summer bridge workbook and practice a dance routine (Spiderman wants to learn). The rest of the weeks are filled with bucket list activities, summer camps, and lazy days. Let the fun begin! I'll keep updating this one blog as we go along. Talk to you tomorrow!
Day 1: Drive-in movie- 5/12/12
Saturday, we went to see The Avengers at the drive-in. The kids had never been and She-Hulk had never been to a theater at all, so we were excited. We all dressed in our Marvel t-shirts.
She-Hulk insisted her sleeve was rolled up so as to not cover her temporary tattoo.
We brought snacks and drinks, pillows, blankets, and lawn chairs. We made a nice set up in the back of the van and really enjoyed the movie.
Spiderman in his best Super Hero pose :D
She-Hulk slept through about 2/3rd of the movie and when she got up, she was pretty confused. She then decided it was alot of fun and talked the whole time.
Overall, a great time. We'll definitely do it again!
Day 2- Lazy Day (1 of 11) 5/13/12
Today is mother's day! I got to sleep in, eat, and go back to bed. Originally, we were supposed to watch the sunset, but today has been overcast. No sun in sight! So, considering I slept so much and the only thing we did was grocery shop, we named this day a Lazy Day.
Day 3- Homemade Lemonade- 5/14/12
I prepped alot of fruit this afternoon. My goal is to have a fruit salad with breakfast and a veggie salad with lunch. After all that chopping and washing and sorting, my kitchen is a wreck and I've decided to wait on prepping the veggies until tomorrow. But I figured while I was it, we should add some summer fun and make some lemonade. Afterall, I think I earned a nice cold glass after being on my feet. I seriously need an anti-fatigue kitchen mat. :D
So I put one cup water and 2 cups sugar together on the stove. I cooked it until it was almost boiling, completely clear and dissolved. Then I let it cool while I prepped my fruit. Then I hand squeezed a bag of lemons- I need a hand juicer in the future, though my hands look beautiful after all that shining up. It made about a cup and a half. I poured the lemon juice into a pitcher and poured about half of my sugar syrup in. Then I poured about 3 quarts of cold water and had the kids stir it up. It was really sweet. So I added more water- about a gallon total and almost all of the sugar syrup. Threw in some strawberries and tada! The most delicious lemonade ever. Even Spiderman approved.
And She-Hulk, too...
And momma, three!
Can't wait for tomorrow. Batman is taking off and we're headed to Sarasota! Talk then!
Day 4- Ringling Museum 5/15/12
Today has been one hectic day. This is my second time writing this part of the blog because my power decided to go out. A weird ending to a weird day. She-Hulk tossed and turned this morning until she got out of bed at 5AM. She went to bed early last night, so she woke up too early for us. I was also tossing and turning with nausea from my first iron pill, so I was pretty exhausted.
We somehow managed to walk out of the door around 9. Spiderman took a tumble down the stairs. He probably tripped on step number 2 and landed on step number 10. It was horrible. He's ok, but he's beat up. He's got a busted lip, a scraped forehead, a bruised cheek, and cuts on his legs and knuckles. Poor guy.
Despite our set backs, we made it to Sarasota and to the Ringling Museum. She-Hulk fell asleep on the way there, but she wasn't well rested when we arrived. In other words, there was no cooperation or listening. Considering everything, she did really well in the museums. She enjoyed herself, but not because of the artwork or circus exhibits. But because of the nature!
Meeting a lizard
Meeting a friend
Climbing a tree
Collecting leaves
Stopping to smell the roses
Darting for the water.
She enjoyed the grounds of the museum. Spiderman spent most of the time in She-Hulk's empty stroller. He didn't enjoy the art like we did, but he had alot of fun in the circus museum.
There was a very impressive exhibit of miniatures
Actually getting along!
Riding in a clown car
Walking the wire
The day was looking up for lil Spiderman until about lunch time. At the cafe, he spilled his entire bottle of juice on his lap.
Luckily, the Florida heat was so intense, his pants dried almost instantly!
We had alot of fun and I'm glad we got to hang out together at the museum, but we are also very happy to be home. We are starting to feel our slight sunburns and sore muscles and I just know we'll all sleep deep tonight!
Day 5- The Park- 5/16/12
Yesterday (5/16) was actually the one day this week it was only 75 degrees. Perfect day for the park!
I planned on being there a few hours. I brought my homework and lots of water. We only stayed about 40 minutes, though. A strange man came onto the playground and was a little too friendly, so we left early. These couple of days sure have been strange! But that's ok, I know it will end today, because we're going to spend it inside having a...
Day "6"- May 21,2012
Haha, I am so glad I don't have subscribers- otherwise a 5 day wait might have lost them all! I lost a bit of momentum last week. Kids spent the night at their grandparents, too, so we lost a few days of the bucket list, but we're back! Tonight, we pulled out Candy Land and cards for Go Fish. She-Hulk had never played before and she ended up winning tonight! I made peanut butter cookies with Butterfinger peices thrown in for a Family Game Night treat. What a great evening.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully not rain, as I would like to plan a sunset viewing. :)
Day 7- May 22nd, 2012
We watched the beautiful sunset at Crystal Beach
She-Hulk cheering for the sun!
My beautiful boy!
Day 8- May 23rd, 2012
Movie night!!!
We made double chocolate cookies and popcorn. This was, of course, after we were all sugared up from free Slurpees today!
The babies got settled in and comfy to watch Transformers 3 (Spiderman's pick if you couldn't tell).
At one point, we even caught them snuggling together on the couch. TOO CUTE!!!
Day 9- Memorial Day fun
We woke up and got out to the Memorial Ceremony in our town. We didn't sit through the whole thing, but the kids are small and can only take so much. Spiderman thought it was the most boring thing ever.
In the late afternoon, we went over the great grandparents. Spiderman learned about his great grandfather's accomplishments in the war.
We ate, visited, and swam.
Afterwards, during ice cream, the kids decided to perform for everyone. Spiderman decided to recite from memorization a Toy Story book from his Tag reader system. It's pretty impressive considering it's about a 10 minute speech. She-Hulk thought she would follow in her brobot's footsteps and gave us her rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We had a great time!
Day 10- 6/2/12- Dali Museum
So this one we did because it was a homework assignment.
It was nice to see the artwork and was actually one of my and Batman's first dates :) The kids running around in the museum was quite a challenge, but they had fun. Aidan got to complete a scavenger hunt for a prize and we got this really cool photo:
Day 11- June 11-15th- Summer camp
Spiderman went to his very first summer camp this week. He had a blast. They made crafts, went to the pool, took a trip to the zoo, and had a big party with a petting zoo and face painting! She-Hulk wanted to be big and join him. So cute. Spiderman even won a prize for Crazy Hat Day!
We tried soccer camp the following week, but Aidan decided he didn't really like it. We have two more camps coming up: construction camp and science camp. Hope he likes them better!
We have slowed down on our summer fun. After our weekend at the Dali museum, I started having painful contractions and was admitted to the hospital. They were able to stop the contractions, but I've had to rest. The more active I am, the stronger they get. We're spending the rest of the summer being lazy, watching lots of TV, coloring, and playing with toys. It's a bummer, but we know Captain America is not ready to arrive yet! Looking forward to our next year of homeschooling!