Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to keep a toddler busy while homeschooling your older child

There is nothing really as annoying as trying to teach your child and being interrupted by a little one. There, I said it. It's frustrating. But toddlers are curious and they have alot to learn, too. Here's how I keep our two year old busy.

Excuse the mess- getting ready for baby! Anyway, these are little board animals with holes punched out on the edges, ready to be threaded with shoe laces. My 6 year old even likes it and it helps with handwriting!

Cheap cookie pan with cheap magnets. My two year old likes to dump them off and put them back on.

I use the last two shelves of our homeschool bookshelf for her. Dollar store containers keep blocks, play food, and board books organized.

I got this from another website. I went to Joann's and got these little wood shapes. Then I stuck sticky felted letters on each one. Great for tracing, but right now, my little one dumps them and asks what every letter is.

Another homemade toy. Cut different sized circles in a little carton lid and but different sized pompoms to fill the container with.

"Awww, look mommy, a baby one!"

Last, I have a smaller bookshelf full of board puzzles, coloring books and crayons, Tag reader books, and flashcards.

When we are homeschooling, she starts off at the table with us, wanting to do worksheets like her brother. The dollar store is a great place to get little workbooks because I don't care if she scribbles all over it at that price! I let her in on all the science and art projects, however modified. Usually, I find that she just wants to play with the material we are using. She eventually gets bored and that is when I have to redirect her. Go play with blocks. Go put your baby to sleep. Now, with everything at eye level in the homeschooling area, redirecting is a little easier.

If nothing else works, it's important to remember they don't stay little forever. It's not worth the frustration. Take breaks and snuggle your babies. Love is a great social studies lesson! :P 

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas! I have a 4th grader and a newly 2 year old! The little guy has been starting at the table with us as well. I tried the lacing cards for him but he gets so mad at them... I guess practice is what he needs. We just started school last week, so he needs to get into it gently I guess...
