Sunday, January 27, 2013

Back and ready to play!

It's been awhile, but we're still here. Since the birth of the baby, we've joined some playgroups, participated in classes, took a trip to Chicago and moved to a new house. Add birthdays and holidays in there and we've been super busy!

Unfortunately, this hectic few months has really set us back with our schooling. It looks like we'll be schooling through summer to make up for it. But hey, it's totally fine because I am getting more and more experienced with each and every lesson and we are finally getting things together that work for us.

Spiderman is very into science. He loves to ask questions and challenge convention. I must admit that I am not really sure how to keep this passion going. We have a few books on science experiments we've been doing. Nothing formal. I wonder if I should have a formal science curriculum. I mean, it's only 1st grade, and he seems happy with just the experiments. It's ok, right? Times like these I wish someone actually read this blog!

Anyway, our latest science project was to see what material conducts heat the best. Aidan thought for sure the foam cup would be the hottest after boiling water was poured, but he learned differently!

I printed this really cool science sheet from Pinterest. I know that fails to give any credit to the source. I'll have to be better about this in the future.

She-Hulk is really surprising me lately with the knowledge and skills she has. I put her in front of a workbook for the first time and she was quick to complete the page. I am thinking about teaching her a few kindergarten lessons. Nothing intense or anything. Just to see where she's at.

Will post more!

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