Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adventures in Science: Gooey Goo

My aunt got us a really cool book of kid concoctions. We got our snow globe idea from this book and today, we cracked it open to make something more...messy.

Spiderman loves science. He has alot of questions about how things work on their most basic level. It's hard to answer all of his questions. His easiest questions have me reaching back to ninth grade earth science and, honestly, I think I skipped more than I went!

Science projects are great because he can be hands on and answer his own questions for once. :D

This project took two bottles of glue, food coloring, borax, and water. The dishes are not going to be fun to clean after this experiment, but it's fun to stir it all together. Especially fun for a little momma bear by the name of She-Hulk. Spiderman, on the other hand, whined, "Is it dissolved yet?"

The hard work pays off with this disgusting goop! "We can use this as Halloween decorations since it looks like brains!!" and by the way, mom, "Do ZOMBIES eat brains?! Is this really how a brain feels?"

I don't think the Kid Concoction book has anything on the texture of brains and how they taste, so I'll have to get back to him on that. In the meantime, you can find us playing with goo. You can find She-Hulk far away from it, refusing to come near until all hands have been scrubbed with soap and the goop is out of sight!

Good times!

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