Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 6th birthday, Spiderman!

I should have known all about him the moment he was born. A very quick labor and delivery brought in the New Year, just hours after I made myself a bowl of ice cream and settled down to watch the Twilight Zone marathon. I swore he'd never come and that was when he decided to fly out into my arms. We named him Spiderman, Celtic for 'Webbed One' as if we knew he would be colicky and refuse to nurse. As if we knew his temperament and his passion. As if we knew how bright a light he would be in our lives, changing us forever. Our fiery Spiderman, we'll eat you up we love you so!

1. Spiderman doesn't eat sauce on his pasta because he says it looks like blood: "Do you think I'm a vampire, mom? Why do you make me eat this?"

2. Spiderman has a big vocabulary for his age and uses it to express his very scientific thoughts, often making observations and stating "My hypothesis is that..."

3. Spiderman's favorite color is red, because it's the color of his favorite super hero, Spiderman.

4. Spiderman answers to Spiderman and calls his sister She-Hulk

5. Spiderman hates working on his handwriting and the alphabet, but he's working a year ahead in math.

6. Spiderman is very uncoordinated when it comes to sports, but he sure can bust a move. Boy can DANCE.

7. If Spiderman went to school, we're pretty sure he'd be the class clown. He's pretty hilarious.

8. Spiderman knows all the names of all Marvel superheroes and villains. He can also tell you how they got their powers.

9. Spiderman asks ALOT of questions, especially about social norms and psychological processes. I often wonder if he's going to be a philosopher.

10. Spiderman's favorite thing to do is play video games.

11. Spiderman can put puzzles together in record-breaking time.

12. Spiderman pronounces alot of words wrong, my favorite being something like "She-Hulk, stop being a COFFEE cat!"

13. Spiderman doesn't always like his sister and can be pretty mean. We're working on it.

14.  Spiderman loves people and talks to every stranger he sees.

15. Spiderman likes to gather toys, hats, capes, belts, and anything else he can find to create his own super hero costumes.

16. Spiderman is currently on a Phineas and Ferb kick. If I hear the theme song one more time, I might scream.

17. Spiderman decided to be a vegetarian, but declared that breakfast meats are vegetables.

18. Spiderman likes to eat butter straight.

19. Spiderman wants to make movies when he gets bigger.

20. When asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said an alien, a hamster, and Mario Cart. We decided to take him to the store and let him pick out his own gift. Something tells me we might screw it up on our own.

Happy birthday, Spiderman!

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