Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 12 (or 10)

Last week, I had an appointment to hear the heartbeat. I'm still measuring what I believe is almost 2 weeks ahead, so they put me at 11 weeks. My midwife told me we'd be scheduling the ultrasound at my next appointment. Everything is going way too fast. I'm still halfway in denial about being pregnant in the first place, but I'll have to get over that long enough to prepare for a 3rd child.

I actually lost a pound and my midwife got on me about it. I'm "underweight" to begin with, so they really want me to stack on the pounds. I feel pleasantly plump enough, thank you. Still alot of bloating, but I don't expect it to go away. Seems more like the ab muscles just let out in anticipation, so I'm just waiting for baby to fill it. Right now I can feel my uterus about 3 fingers below my belly button.

The baby's heartbeat was up in the 160's, which tells me we're having a girl. Wes and I can't agree on boy's names, so it might work out better. Actually, we did like one: Alaric. I'm pretty sure we'll be the only ones who do though.

This week starts the first week of classes. We're back to homeschooling everyday after a long holiday break. I am taking 5 courses this semester and between my homework and the kid's homework, I am already ready for spring break! I am trying to shove as much as I can in one semester before I have 3 kids to worry about.

We've been really active lately, spending alot of time outdoors.

Spiderman began a new gymnastics course. It lasts an hour and a half and still doesn't wear him out.

I'm going to put She-Hulk in pre-ballet...the moment I find the energy.

Lastly, We finally switched pediatricians last week! We've had the same one since Spiderman was born and they've been nothing but annoying and harmful since day one when they shoved a bottle in my nipple confused newborn. More recently, prescribing us yet another antibiotic for strep when it turns out he's only got a virus. Needless to say, we needed out of there. I interviewed one that had great reviews online and She-Hulk's first appointment is next week. She's a year behind on her shots...though I'm not sure I care.

Lots of things are going on. I wish the world would stop moving so fast, but excited about what's to come. If only I can stay awake for it!

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